puppuccino pals

Are you looking for a new way to promote your business?  We have just the program for you! PUPpuccino Pals offers a sponsorship opportunity that would not only help find homes for dogs in need but also showcase your local business to support. 

Cost:  $250 for a month-long (4 weeks) presenting sponsor 

Your business will be featured as our PUPpuccino Pals sponsor of the month in a variety of locations, including:

  1. Weekly posts across our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn accounts, reaching over 20,000 combined followers and growing. Highlighting your business for an entire month. We will tag your business, and feature your business’s logo on the cup.

  2. The option to place a flyer in our adoption packets for the month.

  3. A sponsorship spotlight in our monthly e-newsletter, reaching over 11,500 subscribers.

  4. Listed on our website which receives over 1.1M views annually under our PUPpuccino Pal Page spotlighting your business and including your logo and a link to your business page and social media channels.

Additional Terms:

  • Sponsorships are granted on a monthly basis. Sponsorship requests will be reviewed and responded to in the order that they are received.

  • We cannot guarantee that the month you are interested in will be available for sponsorship, but we will do our best to accommodate your requests.

  • All requests must be submitted a minimum of one week prior to the month you wish to sponsor.

Ready to get started? Please contact Jenn Smiley jsmiley@naperhumane.org or 630.420.8989 x1011

Meet Our Sponsor of the month