
Estimated birthdate: 03/01/2014
Adoption fee: Waived courtesy of the Lucky 7 Fund.

I'm a mature, floofy gray stunner of a girl. I am bunny soft and like a little brushing to help keep this coat beautiful. I'm okay being picked up in small doses but I really need to do some exploring, so don't hold me too long, please. I'm a little bit shy but if you approach me and give me head and chin rubs, I'll warm up quickly. I don't talk a lot but when I do, I'm a bit squeaky - I think it's darling and think you'll agree. I'm laid back often but holy smokes - when I play, it's like I'm young again! To get me going, you might want to pull a string under a towel and I'll start "mousing." After that, it's up for grabs - I'll jump, leap, roll around (especially if catnip is involved.) I'm ready to come home with you!

* I require a special diet.