
Estimated date of birth 08/11/2021 Male Weight: 53 pounds (and gaining) Adoption fee: Sponsored by a generous donor!

  • Loving, Sweet, Playful, Outgoing

  • High Energy

  • Should be only pet in home, no children or young teens

Derby learning to swim with our friends at Wag N’ Paddle.

Greetings from Derby, a puppy in a big dog’s body. My friends at NAHS will tell you that I’m a real people pooch and have never met a person I didn’t like. After human companionship, my top 3 favorite things are walks (you’ll get plenty of exercise with me by your side), playtime (balls and toys of any kind), and food. Speaking of food, I really enjoy learning, and treats provide me with the extra motivation to learn quickly. Finally, I’d prefer to be your one and only.

I guess that’s all I have to say right now—I’ll tell you lots more when we meet. I hope that will be soon. My tail is wagging in anticipation!